Azatrol Pesticide Products Recalled by Oregon Dept. of Ag - Weed News


Azatrol Pesticide Products Recalled by Oregon Dept. of Ag


Oregon retailers have been directed by Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) to remove the popular insecticides Azatrol Hydro Botanical Insecticide, and Azatrol EC Insecticide from their shelves and stop selling it. Similar to other Stop Sale orders issued by the department, the product was found to have ingredients that were not listed on the label.

A Stop Sale, Use or Removal order was issued and sent to the manufacturer, PBI Gordon Corporation of Kansas City, Missouri. It instructs the company to immediately cease all sales, offers of sale, or other distribution of both products in Oregon.

A derivative of neem seeds, the active ingredient is listed on both as azadirachtin. But, according to the ODA, laboratory tests they performed determined five other pesticides were found in the product: permethrin, bifenthrin, cypermethrin, cyfluthrin, and chlorpyrifos.

“Retailers and the general public in possession of the Azatrol products manufactured by PBI/Gordon Corporation are advised not to sell, offer for sale, or distribute them,” The ODA explains in the advisory. “ODA will be working with the manufacturer to determine the appropriate disposition of product that is currently in commerce or with growers.”

PBI / Gordon Corporation issued a response to the Oregon Stop Sale order. They denied using most of the products in the manufacture of their product, and questioned the ODA definition of “adulterated”. Their response said, in part:

“It is important to note, pending the results and validity of the lab tests, the levels of the five active ingredients (all insecticides) found by ODA all fall below the EPA PR Notice 96-8 standard for toxicological significance. As such, PBI-Gordon urges the ODA to reexamine how it defines “adulterated” products.”

The full ODA advisory:


Misbranded / Adulterated Pesticide Products, Presence of Several Undeclared Pesticide Residues

The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) has ordered stoppage of sale and distribution of two pesticide products manufactured by PBI/Gordon Corporation after finding the presence of several pesticide active ingredients not listed on the product label. Azatrol Hydro Botanical Insecticide, and Azatrol EC Insecticide are labeled for use on ornamental, food, and feed crops as an insecticide, insect growth regulator and repellent. These products may also be used in the production of cannabis. Both products list the active ingredient azadirachtin, derived from neem seeds, and may be identified by the EPA Registration # 2217-836. The products are listed for organic use by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI). In addition, ODA is asking growers who may have purchased the pesticide product to refrain from using it.

ODA’s actions come following an investigation of the product and laboratory analysis that found the presence of the pesticide active ingredients permethrin, bifenthrin, cypermethrin, cyfluthrin, and chlorpyrifos, none of which are listed on either product label.

In an abundance of caution, a statewide Stop Sale, Use, or Removal Order (SSURO) has been issued by ODA to PBI/Gordon Corporation of Kansas City, Missouri. The order calls for the company to immediately cease all sales, offers of sale, or other distribution of the product in Oregon.

Retailers and the general public in possession of the Azatrol products manufactured by PBI/Gordon Corporation are advised not to sell, offer for sale, or distribute them. ODA will be working with the manufacturer to determine the appropriate disposition of product that is currently in commerce or with growers. ODA’s investigation will proceed to address violations of Oregon’s Pesticide Law, which include misbranding of a pesticide product, adulteration of a pesticide product, and making false or misleading claims about a pesticide product.

For additional information or questions, contact the Oregon Department of Agriculture Pesticides Program at (503) 986-4635, or email [email protected]

You can find this advisory online at:

Or on ODA’s News blog at:

For information on ODA pesticide advisories, news updates and pesticide active ingredients not listed on the labels, please visit the ODA web pages here:

Original story appeared on Oregon Cannabis . All rights reserved. Syndicated by special permission.

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