Purple Cannabis Strains: Information and Top 5 Reviews


Top 5 Purple Weed Strains: The Best Selection Of This Terrific Bud


Purple weed is always a big deal.

Dispensaries will tell you that purple marijuana strains are their biggest sellers when they can keep them in stock. And there’s unquestionably an extra level of excitement when someone brings home an ounce – and shows everyone the beautiful, purple flower they were able to score.

It’s gonna be an awesome night!

But are they right? Is purple flower any different than green? Well, it’s definitely cooler looking, but we assume that’s not what you’re asking.

The truth is that purple weed isn’t going to get you any more wasted just because it’s purple.

It’s maybe better for a different reason, though: purple strains are more likely to have greater health benefits than green ones.

Sorry if that’s not what you wanted to hear, but that shouldn’t stop you from grabbing one of the purples when you have the chance, because there are some truly incredibly purple pot strains out there.

Here’s a look at the subject, and a rundown of the best purple weeds to try.

Why Is It Purple?

There are all sorts of myths about why some cannabis plants are purple, so let’s debunk those first. If you’re a home grower, you can’t raise purple plants by adjusting the growing medium, the light, or the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide they receive. You can’t induce purple by playing around with watering schedules or adding nitrogen.

Purple varieties are purple because of their genetics – in particular, the flavonoids they contain. You may be somewhat familiar with flavonoids because they provide foods (and pot) with large amounts of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. But they’re also responsible for the color of a plant and its fruit.

The flavonoids we’re most concerned with here are called anthocyanins, which can give plants a distinctive color depending on their genetics. That natural color is often hidden during the growing season, though, by a large amount of intensely-colored green chlorophyll the plant uses to trap sunlight for photosynthesis.

In the fall, though, chlorophyll breaks down, and the underlying plant pigments begin to show through.

That’s why leaves change colors in the fall in most climates. And it’s why cannabis plants turn purple late in the season if they’re genetically inclined to do so. A few strains will show other colors because that’s how they’re programmed (for example, the fuchsia color of Predator Pink or the yellow pistils of Lemon Kush). Otherwise, they’re likely to just stay green.

So purple weed isn’t imbued with mythical THC power by the gods. It’s just showing its true color.

Possible Health Benefits of Purple Weed Strains

person smoking from a paper joint in a purple background

If you pay much attention to health and wellness sites, you’ve read that purple foods are good for you. Purple carrots have twice as much beta-carotene as orange ones. Purple potatoes contain four times the antioxidants found in regular ones. Eggplants and purple cabbage are healthy additions to a diet, as are purple plums and concord grapes.

What do they all have in common? Their deep purple color, of course, which is contributed by the same anthocyanins that give purple weed strains their unique look.

Studies have shown that anthocyanins can:

  • Help reduce the chronic inflammation that’s a contributing cause of asthma and allergies, arthritis, diabetes and depression.
  • Help reduce age-related problems in the nervous system while enhancing memory and the ability to learn.
  • Help lower blood pressure and fight other causes of cardiovascular disease.
  • Potentially help fight some forms of cancer.

In the end, though, most people will be attracted to purple strains, not because of their health benefits – but because they’re cool.

Let’s check out the coolest.

List of the Top Purple Weed Strains

Granddaddy Purple

Any list like this wouldn’t seem right if GDP wasn’t at the very top. Universally known, widely available, and extremely popular, this heavily Indica-leaning hybrid is beautiful when you buy it, delicious (with a grape/berry flavor) when you smoke it, and extremely relaxing. There’s a euphoric hit right away, thanks to THC content between 17-25%, and eventually, the indica body buzz extends to the head as well.

Many patients choose Granddaddy Purple for pain relief because of its ability to dull pain receptors; it’s also excellent for treating depression, decreased appetite (munchies alert!), and of course, insomnia – since you’re more than likely to experience some serious couch-lock.

Purple Haze

purple haze strain in a purple background

Purple Haze is unusual for a purple strain, in that it’s a Sativa-dominant hybrid rather than an indica. THC levels usually come in between 15-20%, and produce an energetic and uplifting high almost immediately; many users experience creative or even psychedelic effects. This strain is a wake-and-bake favorite, with the body high moderate and buzzy instead of heavy and couch-locking.

The hit from Purple Haze can overwhelm novice users, and is likely to exacerbate anxiety and paranoia – so it’s best for experienced tokers who aren’t prone to anxiety or panic. If you give it a try, expect a reduction in fatigue, stress, and depression – and a terrific high.

Grape Ape

In a blind taste test, you might easily confuse Granddaddy Purple and Grape Ape because the two strains are so similar. There’s even a conspiracy theory out there that they’re the same bud sold under two different names. In reality, however, Grape Ape comes from a different lineage, normally has slightly less THC content, delivers a slightly more uplifting high, and is a little less likely to put you down for the count.

That makes this strain a bit better than GDP for chronic pain sufferers who want to be able to somewhat function. But Grape Ape isn’t quite as potent for those looking for help relieving stress or falling asleep since it’s doesn’t lean as heavily indica as GDP. The musky grape smell and taste are another reason people love Grape Ape, just not the biggest one.

Purple Kush

Close up image of Purple kush cannabis plant

Those looking for a classic indica have found it. Purple Kush is a pure indica that is beautiful, potent and ready to blow you away. For many, this strain has all of the pros of weed and few of the cons: a happy and enjoyable high with the mental clarity that can become a little psychedelic, combined with full-body relaxation that can lull you into a blissful sleep.

Treating insomnia and depression are the best medical applications for Purple Kush, but after smoking enough of it you’ll find that chronic pain and stress may ease as well. This is also a great choice for chilling with your loved one(s).

Purple Diesel

Like Purple Haze, this is another strain that leans slightly Sativa, but it has even higher THC levels that can hit 25% or higher. It takes a bit of time for Purple Diesel to hit, but when it does it will blast you into a euphoric, energetic head high. Expect it to be more motivating and creative than mind-clouding, with relaxation instead of couch-lock, so this is a very good strain for daytime use.

Depression and stress can vanish with a few hits of Purple Diesel, and many don’t notice their chronic pain while under the effects of this fun weed – which proves that not all purple strains will knock you flat on your ass.

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