Endoca CBD: Top Products Review & Coupon Code (2022 Update)


Endoca CBD: Top Products Reviews 2022


One of the pretty firm criteria we have for evaluating CBD products is that they must be sourced from hemp that’s been grown in America.

There’s a good reason for that. The United States has some of the strictest farming regulations in the world. Cannabidiol (the full name for CBD) extracted from foreign hemp is likely to be of lower quality than CBD from plants that were grown by U.S. farmers.

But remember when you learned that the vowels in English are “A, E, I, O, U – and sometimes Y?” That wasn’t just a lesson on the alphabet. The other important takeaway was that there’s an exception to every rule.

That includes our rules for judging the quality of hemp. The exception is Denmark.

Farming standards in Denmark are also among the strictest in the world, on a par with America’s. The farmland in Denmark (and other Scandinavian nations) is some of the least-polluted lands on the planet, and the climate is ideal for hemp plants. That means hemp grown on that land is likely to be just as robust, pure, and healthy as plants cultivated in the U.S.

You’ve probably guessed by now that Endoca CBD is based in Denmark, and it’s one of the few foreign producers we’ve found that meets or exceeds our criteria for trustworthy hemp sourcing.

We look at much more than just where hemp comes from, of course. And Endoca scores quite well across the board.

Endoca CBD Review: The Background

CBD was legalized for sale in America in the late 2010s, and it was available earlier than that in states which had legalized medical marijuana.

The hemp plant can be used for any purposes other than producing cannabidiol, though, and the family that founded Endoca CBD was growing hemp long before anyone had ever heard of CBD.

Endoca was founded in the early 2000s by a Dane with a Ph.D. in biotechnology and genetics, Henry Victeny. His great-grandparents were well-known in Denmark for cultivating high-quality hemp and providing the seeds to local farmers, primarily as feed for animals.

Decades ago, Victeny was in Africa to help fight the developing AIDS outbreak. After seeing how little traditional medicine could do to help patients, he started to think about and research the possible benefits of cannabis as a medical treatment. And as science began categorizing the cannabinoids in cannabis, he realized that THC wasn’t the only one with potential as a therapeutic.

Victeny began work on a hemp strain which would contain high levels of cannabidiol and developed one of the first CBD extracts available in the world. It was eventually distributed, along with free CBD information and hemp seeds, at an alternative health clinic he opened in Denmark.

And in 2010, Endoca CBD opened its first online site, selling non-psychoactive cannabidiol directly to customers. Endoca was one of the first CBD vendors in the world.

The company remains a family-owned business headed by Victeny, with more than 100 employees, as well as its own hemp farm and processing facilities. It uses green technology and even makes most of its equipment by hand, as Victeny’s hemp-farming family did for decades. Victeny’s research into more productive and effective hemp strains continues today.

It would be difficult not to be impressed by this company’s background, expertise, and dedication to hemp and CBD as a health-and-wellness solution – with an empathetic and accomplished Ph.D. descended from hemp farmers at the helm.

Endoca CBD: The Approach

We’ve already mentioned Endoca CBD’s own hemp farm, and it’s a huge one: 2,000 acres, certified organic, where all of the hemp used in creating the company’s products is grown. Endoca maintains firm control even before the plants are grown as well, selecting the very best strains for planting from its own seed bank.

Since the company’s mission is to provide high-quality CBD for hemp and wellness, it only produces full-spectrum products (with one skincare exception). That means the CBD doesn’t only contain cannabidiol; all of the plant’s other cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes remain in Endoca’s CBD. The components all work together to provide the entourage effect which enhances the effectiveness of cannabidiol, allowing it to deliver better results than products made from CBD isolate.

Cannabidiol is extracted from Endoca’s hemp plants by the supercritical CO2 method. Most experts favor this process because they believe it preserves the potency of CBD better than any other method. We also should mention that during extraction and processing, Endoca tests its ingredients and products more than just about any other company we’re familiar with. (That doesn’t mean it relies solely on internal testing; it also submits products for third-party analysis before the sale.)

Endoca CBD is processed in the company’s own GMP-certified facilities, and they say that all products are organic and vegan with no synthetic ingredients added. That leads to the one “issue” we’ve found.

Probably because laws in Denmark are a bit different than in America, the complete ingredient lists for a few products aren’t always complete. For example, the list for CBD capsules doesn’t detail the “plant-based” material used for the capsules. Apparently, the company uses hemp seed oil as a carrier for its CBD oil, but that isn’t made as clear as it could be, either.

With everything that we know about the company, we trust that whatever they use is indeed safe, organic, proper, and effective – we just wish they’d spelled the ingredients more completely. And that’s probably nit-picking. This is an outstanding approach to the manufacture of CBD products, and once again, we’re impressed.

Oh, one more thing: these are premium-priced products. Then again, they’re also premium-quality products.

Endoca CBD Oil

Endoca CBD Oils on white background

Like other companies that focus more on quality than expansive product lines, Endoca sells only a few varieties of CBD oil.

Two of them are what’s called “medium-strength” CBD, which at 30mg/ml is actually a pretty high strength compared to the least-potent oil offered by most competitors.

The first option contains just full-spectrum CBD and a hemp seed carrier oil, with no flavoring agent (meaning the oil has a distinct raw hemp taste). The second includes CBD and an equal concentration of CBDA; that’s the “precursor” found in the hemp plant which turns into CBD when heated.

Why include CBDA? There’s been research showing that CBDA may have the same anti-inflammatory properties as NSAIDs like ibuprofen, while also being more effective at treating issues like anxiety and nausea.

There are two more Endoca CBD oil choices described as “strong” – and that’s not an understatement. At 150mg/ml, you’d find it difficult to find more potent cannabidiol on the consumer market. They’re available in both CBD and CBD+CBDA versions. (CBD+CBDA products are also labeled “raw” because they haven’t been heated; the heat would break down the CBDA and turn it into CBD.)

The company prominently labels its products with the amount of CBD per drop, making it easy to customize doses. That’s quite useful, considering the potency of these well-made CBD oils.

Endoca CBD Capsules

Endoca CBD Capsules on white background

Endoca makes the same potency distinctions for its CBD capsules, calling them “medium” and strong.” The first contains 10mg/ml of full-strength cannabidiol, and the second contains 50mg/ml. 10mg/ml is a pretty standard low dose of CBD, but 50mg/ml is a powerhouse. Once again, there are CBD and CBD+CBDA varieties available. The company doesn’t specify what the capsules are made from, but they do say that they’re plant-based, organic, and vegan.

Endoca CBD Extracts

Endoca CBD Extracts on white background

If you’re in the market for even more potency than the company’s oils and capsules offer, here’s a product you won’t find on many vendors’ product list. CBD extracts are produced with an even higher concentration of full-spectrum cannabidiol, delivered in paste form that’s still ideally administered sublingually (under the tongue).

Endoca recommends CBD extracts for severe pain or the several diseases (like psychosis) which respond best to very high dosages. The product comes in 200mg/ml potency, in both CBD and CBD+CBDA varieties, as well as a 300mg/ml non-carboxylated CBD+CBDA option.

Endoca CBD Topicals

Endoca Topical Products on white background

Endoca topical CBD products are sold in three forms. The medium-strength salve also contains beeswax for spreadability, ingredients like lemon peel oil for moisturizing, plus added vitamin E. CBD body butter is sold in medium- and high-potency versions, with added skincare products like shea butter, cocoa butter, and coconut oil (and once again, beeswax).

Endoca’s CBD lip and skin balm is the only product containing broad-spectrum cannabidiol (meaning the minuscule amount of THC usually found in hemp has been removed) instead of full-spectrum. It also contains beeswax, natural moisturizing ingredients, and honey.

All of these choices are vegan, organic, and made with food-grade ingredients.

Endoca CBD Suppositories

Endoca CBD Suppositories on white background

Now, for something completely different. You could check out 100 different CBD producers without finding suppositories for sale, but they’re a very good option for those who want more immediate absorption of the cannabidiol, or those who can’t swallow oil or capsules. They contain only organic full-spectrum CBD and MCT coconut carrier oil and can be used either anally or vaginally.

We’ll admit that we haven’t tried them – but they’re a very good option for people who need it.

Endoca CBD: The Verdict

To put it simply: this is great stuff. Endoca is clearly a company with the dedication and expertise to grow high-quality hemp and create high-quality CBD, and their decision to focus on a small, full-spectrum product line with all-organic ingredients plays directly to their strengths.

It’s true that some of Endoca’s products are rather strong and may not be suitable for first-time or casual users. It’s also true that they offer some of the highest-priced CBD on today’s market; those prices are justified, in our opinion, but the products are still pretty costly.

If you’ve been searching for the best CBD producer and the best CBD products – Endoca should most definitely be in the running

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