Microdosing Weed: The Complete Beginner’s Guide - Weed News


Microdosing Weed: The Complete Beginner’s Guide


Cannabis, marijuana, weed, pot, dope. Whatever you decide to call it, it’s clear that this plant has recently emerged among many communities not so much as a recreational drug, but as a plant with many incredible health benefits. Its effects have scientifically proven to improve mental and physical well-being (when used correctly, of course).

The cannabis plant includes several compounds. The two most prominent are cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC, in particular, is mostly known for its psychoactive qualities. However, there is so much more to it than a natural ‘high’. According to , THC has several potential benefits in treating a variety of health issues. Researchers have used it to mitigate the effects of glaucoma, muscle spasticity, low appetite, and insomnia.

Meanwhile, CBD has taken the general market by storm since researchers and manufacturers started marketing it as an oil. The compound has a variety of treatment benefits. Scientists have used it to treat inflammatory bowel disease, seizures, depression, inflammation, psychosis, mental illnesses, and migraines. CBD oils are readily available at smoke shops at affordable prices.

Furthermore, suggest both cannabinoids are useful in treating anxiety, nausea, and pain. Those who suffer from such conditions may resort to using cannabis as a treatment. However, when using too strong of a dose, side effects can be adverse. The risk is where microdosing can help! In this quick guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about microdosing cannabis.

What Is Microdosing?

Microdosing involves taking tiny doses of a substance. The method helps to increase tolerance, test out a drug, and reap the benefits without as many of the harmful side-effects. The technique is recommended for new users, especially to make sure the body adjusts well to the drug.

Microdosing marijuana has become more and more popular in recent years. Before, this term was usually associated with psychedelic drugs such as LSD and magic mushrooms.

Why Microdose?

With THC having psychoactive elements, it leads to that feeling of being ‘high’. It increases the production of dopamine to your brain, giving you a sense of euphoria. It also inhibits one’s driving responses. In high doses, it can cause increased anxiety and hallucinations.

A lot of people might want to experience the health benefits of THC mentioned above. However, they may not desire the intense psychoactive effects, especially if they are going to use it as part of their daily routine. Feeling out of your comfort zone or being stuck in an unpleasant state of mind when trying to carry out important tasks is never enjoyable.

Some people might feel nervous about trying out marijuana, especially considering its status as a recreational drug. Others might have used marijuana in the past and need to build up their tolerance again. Whatever the case may be, microdosing is a suitable alternative. It lets you build up resistance to the drug while exploring its effects using safe, controlled administered doses.

Forms of Cannabis Microdosing

The best and easiest way to microdose cannabis is in a form where you can regulate the dosage. So, the traditional method of smoking marijuana is not advisable if you are seeking to microdose. However, cannabis extraction means that now, you can safely administer CBD and THC in a variety of carefully controlled forms. With cannabis extractions, you can measure the exact amount you need.

CBD oil, for example, has taken off recently in several countries. Because it comes in milliliter bottles, it is easy for you to measure for yourself how much you want to take. An article in details some alternative forms of cannabis that are ideal for microdosing. Some of these forms include edibles, tinctures, and vape pens. You can create tinctures by dissolving the plant matter in alcohol or extracting it using various methods. Vapes administer set doses, making them especially suitable for microdosing.

You can make edibles and tinctures yourself at home. They are also available for purchase alongside CBD oil and vape pens. It might be a little bit pricey, but it is better to purchase these pre-made. The pre-made products minimize the potential for human error, which makes the dose more precise.

How Does It Work?

Person rolling a marijuana paper joint on a wooden table with cannabis lying around

According to Forbes, when you begin microdosing, it is good to start with a two-milligram dose. Stay at two milligrams for the next couple of days while you assess how you feel. Then, if you think that you need more, you can up your dose by another milligram. Repeat the process of observing and increasing your dosage when necessary.

You have a choice of taking one or up to three microdoses a day. It is essential to spread the doses throughout the day, i.e. in the morning and evening. You should also reduce the doses immediately if you feel high or unwell.

The general recommendation is that you increase your dose up to five milligrams. However, the maximum is variable and based on factors like body mass or tolerance. An absolute maximum is ten milligrams.

The Benefits

People who have microdosed have a calmer disposition, increased tolerance of stress, and feeling happier in general. People claim to be more productive at work and have better encounters with people around them. Working up one’s tolerance with smaller increments is the best way to reap the benefits of marijuana.

Furthermore, doing so helps experience some of the other benefits of CBD and THC previously mentioned. Such benefits include pain relief, mental health treatment, and reduced anxiety. In most cases, CBD products are readily available to purchase and do not require a prescription. The same goes true for cannabis in some states.

Depending on the legal situation in your state or country, using or possessing any cannabis product might get you into trouble. It is essential to check where the law stands in your area before consuming cannabis. Furthermore, although research exists concerning the benefits of marijuana, suggests that there has not been a lot of research into microdosing cannabis specifically.

It’s important to understand that there are minor risks associated not necessarily with microdosing, but consuming marijuana. These risks include feeling disoriented or when taken in large doses experiencing high anxiety or hallucinations.


It’s essential to understand that the goal of microdosing isn’t to get high. By consuming low doses of cannabis, you’re allowing your body to adjust to the changes and avoid that faded feeling. We strongly recommend beginning the process of microdosing at home. As time goes by, you’ll be ready to take it into work or other areas.

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