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Scientists Define ‘Standard Joint Unit’ for Research
It may seem silly to some, and downright funny to others, but apparently there is a need to define exactly what a joint is. For old timers, it might be a thin small joint often called a “pinner” or one of the big ones that…
Do Studies Pay People To Smoke Weed?
Unlike the NASA space weed articles you see in many websites there are legitimate studies being conducted out there that pay you to consume cannabis. Unfortunately, most of these studies are there to prove the negative effects of…
Arizona Governor Vetoes Hemp Bill
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey approved a whole bunch of new laws in the Grand Canyon state, but the Republican leader thought hemp farming would be too expensive, apparently. On Monday, May 22, he vetoed SB 1337 which passed with a…
Research On Youth Marijuana Use And ER Visits In Colorado
At the 2017 meeting of Pediatric Academic Societies in San Francisco, researchers revealed a study they carried out on the admission of children (ages 13 to 21) to hospital emergency rooms in Colorado.
The study, entitled Impact of…
PDX Hempfest Expo Is Coming To The Portland Expo Center
I have a confession to make - I have never been to a Hempfest event. I know, I know. That is a total fail on my part that I fully acknowledge. It is not that I think Hempfest events aren’t worthwhile, because they absolutely are. It’s…
100 Drug Policy Researchers And Allies To Join National Science March
On April 22, 2017, dozens of drug policy researchers and their allies will leave their colleges and universities to gather on the streets of D.C. for the National March for Science. A busload of scholars from New York City will meet up…
New Mexico Governor Vetoes Hemp Bill, Again
America’s hemp industry is growing, no pun intended. Hemp cultivation was completely prohibited for many decades, but thanks to a provision in a 2013 farming bill (signed by Obama in 2014), states are allowed to cultivate hemp under…
Oregon Marijuana Testing Realities: Many Concentrates Are Contaminated With Pesticides
Oregon Health Authority (OHA) is proposing more administrative rules changes that would significantly dial back pesticide testing on cannabis flower and concentrates. Their proposal would reduce pesticide testing of concentrates to a…
International Cannabis Business Conference Features Latest in Science
In just over a month, the International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC) is coming to Berlin this April 10-12, 2017, and bringing the best of global cannabis expertise with it!The event is unlike any other, and will be an exclusive…
Trump’s Lies Ƶ Drugs And Immigrants Crossing Our Borders
Despite what President Trump claims, we're seizing less drugs at the border. “We’ve defended the borders of other nations, while leaving our own borders wide open, for anyone to cross — and for drugs to pour in at a now…