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Oregon Marijuana Testing Realities: Many Concentrates Are Contaminated With Pesticides
Oregon Health Authority (OHA) is proposing more administrative rules changes that would significantly dial back pesticide testing on cannabis flower and concentrates. Their proposal would reduce pesticide testing of concentrates to a…
International Cannabis Business Conference Features Latest in Science
In just over a month, the International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC) is coming to Berlin this April 10-12, 2017, and bringing the best of global cannabis expertise with it!The event is unlike any other, and will be an exclusive…
Trump’s Lies Ƶ Drugs And Immigrants Crossing Our Borders
Despite what President Trump claims, we're seizing less drugs at the border. “We’ve defended the borders of other nations, while leaving our own borders wide open, for anyone to cross — and for drugs to pour in at a now…
Memo To Congress: DEA Dumped The ‘Gateway-Theory’ Due To Science
(image via Wikipedia) Today, Americans for Safe Access, a national nonprofit dedicated to ensuring safe and legal access to medical cannabis for therapeutic use and research, sent a memo to Congress informing members that the Drug…
First Participant Enrolled In First-Ever Trial Of Marijuana For Chronic PTSD In Veterans
On February 6, 2017, the first participant in the first-ever clinical trial of smoked marijuana (cannabis) for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in U.S. veterans received cannabis at the Scottsdale Research Institute (SRI) in Phoenix,…
Once Again, Marijuana Positive Drivers Show “No Signs of Impairment”
Marijuana Mile Another news station has done a test on marijuana smokers on a driving course and has come to two conclusions that we already know:Having marijuana in your system is no indicator of any driving impairment,…
American Marijuana Companies Investing In Israeli Research
Marijuana reform is sweeping across the United States, with 8 states (and D.C.) voting to legalize marijuana for adult use, and nearly 30 states having legal medical marijuana laws on the books. But, despite recent victories, support for…
Not So Fast: Nat’l Academy of Sciences Says Marijuana Is Good AND Bad
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Weed News has reported on the release of a new report from the National Academy of Sciences on the medical efficacy of marijuana. The national marijuana organizations are promoting it, too. This is a phenomenal report that…
Cannabinoids And Therapeutic Effects: CBG (Cannabigerol)
Scientists first discovered cannabigerol, or CBG, in 1964 as a constituent of hashish. In 1975, researchers found out CBGA (Cannabigerolic Acid) is the first cannabinoid formed in the plant; the first expression of cannabis’ unique…
$3 Million Donated For Medical Cannabis Education And Research
With a $3 million grant from Australian philanthropists Barry and Joy Lambert, Thomas Jefferson University has established a new medical center for cannabis education and research. The new facility, officially named The Lambert Center…