Sol CBD Review: A Good Producer, A Very Good CBD Innovation - Weed News


Sol CBD Review: Brand and Products (2022)


Most upper-level CBD companies offer the same general product lines.

Their quality varies, of course, and producers create those products with different formulations, potencies, and flavors. Their choices of carrier oils, additives, and cannabidiol extraction methods (cannabidiol is the complete name for CBD) aren’t necessarily the same. And some focus more on all-natural or organic ingredients than do others.

But here’s the important point. Almost all companies producing high-quality CBD sell the cannabinoid in oil (or tincture), capsule, edible and topical forms. Some offer CBD vape juice or powdered CBD isolates as well. But you’re unlikely to see a CBD product category and wonder: “What in the world is that?”

Every rule has an exception, though, and Sol CBD is a notable exception to the one we’ve just described.

Sol CBD’s flagship product is known as liposomal CBD. It’s theoretically the most efficient way to deliver cannabidiol into the body, and this form of CBD is believed to be substantially more effective, too. As you’d probably expect, it’s also quite a bit pricier than the ordinary CBD products you’re used to.

We’ll dig into the science behind this unusual product, as we get into the details of our Sol CBD review. First, though, we’ll take a look at the company’s background, and how it goes about making both its “traditional” CBD products and its liposomal CBD.

Sol CBD: The Background

A husband and wife team, with very different backgrounds, founded Sol CBD in 2015.

Larry Ostrovsky has been a natural health advocate – and a cannabis advocate – for years. He’s self-educated on the subjects but has published a number of books and authoritative website resources focusing on nutrition and wellness.

By contrast, his wife Oksana came to discover natural medicine, and later CBD, through personal experience. As a child in Ukraine, she suffered from a number of autoimmune conditions which doctors said were incurable. Her family, however, believed in natural treatments – and that naturopathic approach led to the successful treatment of most of her medical issues.

Teamed up in America, the couple worked as life coaches with a focus on natural healing. Larry’s belief in the medicinal power of cannabis, and Oksana’s first-hand experience with cannabis as a treatment for her mother’s chemotherapy side effects, led them to research and experiment with hemp. Eventually, they created Sol CBD.

Their passion for cannabis, hemp, and cannabinoids clearly show. They not only create and sell CBD, but search for innovative ways to deliver and use cannabidiol, and they “preach” its benefits to the public through their writing. To support their “evangelism,” they provide their products at cost to low-income customers and donate product to those who need it whenever possible. Sol CBD is devoted to quality and full transparency; we believe those are the two most important factors in judging the true commitment of a producer.

We like what we’ve heard and seen.

Sol CBD: The Approach

Some CBD companies, even well-regarded ones, tout their commitment to healthy, natural products. But when you dig into the ingredient lists for their products, you can often find artificial or synthetic additives tucked in between the natural ones.

Sol CBD isn’t one of those producers. The ingredients they use are obviously selected to ensure high-quality, natural products.

Let’s start with hemp, which is organically-grown in America where growing standards are among the highest in the world. You can look long and hard for hemp that’s “certified” organic but you’re unlikely to find it, so organically-grown is the accepted standard for quality.

The cannabidiol is then extracted with the use of carbon dioxide, widely viewed as the best way to maintain CBD’s potency as it’s removed from hemp. One note: the most effective type of CO2 extraction is known as “supercritical,” but we’re unable to tell if Sol CBD uses a supercritical or standard CO2 method. Their educational articles focus on supercritical extraction as the gold standard, but the company never actually comes out and says that it’s the process that they use. Either way, their choice of CO2 extraction is a good one.

Another choice a producer has to make is whether to remove the other components of the hemp plant, like terpenes, flavonoids, and secondary cannabinoids, from the extracted cannabidiol. When they’re retained in what’s called full-spectrum CBD, they work together in an “entourage effect” to boost the effectiveness of cannabidiol. That’s the way Sol CBD does it.

Many other producers remove only the trace amount of THC that’s naturally present in hemp to create what’s known as broad-spectrum CBD, or they remove everything except the cannabidiol to create CBD isolate. Those forms do ensure that the presence of THC won’t cause a failed drug test, but they aren’t quite as powerful. Sol CBD doesn’t sell products containing broad-spectrum CBD or isolate, focusing instead on a more-effective whole-plant approach.

CBD is best distributed with the help of carrier oil. There are a lot of alternatives, but Sol CBD uses the best one, organic MCT coconut oil. The only other ingredients added to the company’s products are all-natural botanicals, most of the essential oils, and some of them organic. Third-party testing of Sol CBD’s products is robust and transparent, with results posted right on the company’s website.

We can’t really find anything to argue with, although we do wish the company would just come out and say whether it uses supercritical extraction. These are high-quality products, in keeping with the founders’ backgrounds and stated goals.

Sol CBD Oils

Sol CBD Oils on white background

The company’s CBD oil is quite good, but it doesn’t come in an enormous range of potencies or flavors. The natural-flavor oil contains only full-spectrum cannabidiol, MCT carrier oil, and beta-caryophyllene (basically an extra helping of the terpene naturally present in hemp, added to help activate the body’s endocannabinoid system). The only other flavor option is “cinnamon” which also contains peppermint and cinnamon oil extracts. Each has a potency of 16.6mg/ml.

Sol CBD also sells “high concentrate” oil which contains 30mg/ml of full-spectrum cannabidiol. It has no flavorings or additives other than MCT carrier oil.

Sol CBD Liposomal CBD Oils

Sol CBD Liposomal Products on white background

Here’s the unusual product offered by very few CBD producers. Before going into the details, let’s first explain the idea behind liposomal CBD: it delivers cannabidiol by a faster, more efficient method than dripping traditional CBD oil under the tongue.

CBD is used to fill liquid “bubbles” known as liposomes. The bubbles (sometimes described as spheres) are constructed from phospholipids, substances which are basically the same as those that make up the body’s cellular membranes. Liposomes are fat- and water-soluble, so they’re easily accepted by the body without being detoured to the liver, where cannabidiol is normally sent to be broken down. Instead, the liposomes go directly to the gut where they quickly dissolve and the CBD is absorbed.

The bottom line: when CBD is contained in liposomes it doesn’t degrade or lose potency in any way before it’s absorbed – at full strength – into the body’s cells, tissues, and bloodstream. Scientists describe that as maximizing the CBD’s “bioavailability,” making it much more effective than cannabidiol absorbed by the body in the usual way. Liposomes can be constructed with several different materials, some of them synthetic. Sol CBD uses phospholipids extracted from sunflower, so they’re all-natural.

The producer claims that its liposomal CBD increases bioavailability by as much as 17x over edible CBD products. We can’t substantiate that claim, of course. But liposomal delivery is an accepted scientific method for drug delivery, which definitely increases absorption by a wide margin. What’s particularly interesting is that the Sol liposomal CBD actually has less nominal potency, 10mg/ml, than its standard CBD oil – but performs better. Needless to say, it costs more, too.

Sol liposomal CBD is available in the orange twist and hibiscus flavors. It’s also sold in an orange/pineapple-flavored “sleep” formula with added GABA, melatonin, valerian root, 5-HTP, and passionflower, and in a formulation, for dogs and cats, that’s quite potent. Use very little of the pet product if you have a small dog or cat.

Sol CBD Capsules

Sol CBD Softgels on white back ground

We now resume the more “ordinary” portion of our review. Like most producers, Sol CBD offers its full-spectrum cannabidiol in easy-to-swallow, 15-milligram capsule form. The only other ingredient is MCT carrier oil, and the mixture is contained in a vegetarian capsule. No muss, no fuss.

Sol CBD Topicals

Sol CBD Topical products on white background

The latest addition to the company’s lineup is a CBD-infused herbal balm. This all-natural cream contains 12 botanical oils and extracts in addition to full-spectrum cannabidiol, designed to ease joints and muscles while also providing antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and hydration effects.

Two more products (“Nourishing” and “Extra Care”) round out Sol CBD’s topical lineup. They are revitalizing skin creams, each containing nearly two-dozen organic botanical ingredients plus, of course, CBD.

Sol CBD: The Verdict

There are a number of high-quality CBD producers whose products are designed and manufactured well, and Sol CBD is one of them. We have no trouble including this producer on the list of those we recommend.

What really makes the company stand out, however, is the inclusion of liposomal CBD in its product line. It’s not for everyone; if you only use only small doses of cannabidiol for minor anxiety, aches, and pains or sleep difficulties, you probably aren’t searching for a different type of CBD that acts more quickly and more efficiently.

On the other hand, if you’ve found that more potent doses of cannabidiol work better for you, or you have trouble waiting for CBD to be absorbed into your body and take effect – Sol CBD’s liposomal CBD is well worth a try despite its higher price.

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