Toledo: Hemp To Recovery March - Weed News


Toledo: Hemp To Recovery March


Toledo Hemp Center LLC has been very active in the Toledo area for going on four years. From community cookouts to blanket drives for the homeless to nutritional hemp pizza parties Toledo Hemp Center has shown the ability to raise awareness for many great causes. The Hemp to Recovery March proves no different.

The center specializes in a variety of industrial hemp products, many of which have great nutritional value. The grandma approved resource center also carries a variety of Cannabidiol (CBD) infused hemp based products. CBD is a non-psychotropic component found in all cannabis plants, including the hemp plant. The center offers administrative methods including oral and external, many of which are able to be tried for free on site.

CBD has shown it may help with several ailments including chronic pain, parkinson’s, seizures, anxiety and more. Toledo Hemp Center owner Kevin Spitler states: “As we see less people in society with less pain, and other ailments we begin to see less people taking pills to try and achieve relief. If we see less people in society taking less pills we then see less people possibly becoming addicted ultimately reducing the chance of moving on to stronger drugs like heroin.” Toledo Hemp Center has seen well over 12,000 customers over the past year many of which have received relief on many levels. According to a national survey, less than 4 percent of people who had misused prescription pain medicines started using heroin within 5 years. A quick crunch of number and Toledo Hemp Center may have helped up to 480 avoid an addiction which may have lead to Heroin.

The Toledo Hemp Center Hemp to Recovery March will focus on proactive holistic measures of helping to fight the heroin epidemic. Supporters will peacefully march from the Toledo Hemp Center location (815 Phillips Ave, 43612) to the Team Recovery building (1618 W. Sylvania Ave) bearing signs. The march will  then return to Toledo Hemp Center to end where supporters will disperse.

WHAT: Toledo Hemp Center Hemp to Recovery March

WHERE: Toledo Hemp Center, 815 Phillips Ave Toledo OH 43612

DATE:July, 23 2017

WHY: Promote awareness of no high hemp as an alternative to many pharmaceutical pills

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